The risks faced by the retail sector are multi-faceted. With product liability laws imposing strict liability for failures and defects, retailers assume a high level of product liability. And while traditional premises liability (slip and fall) lawsuits and workers compensation claims remain steady, managing retail risk now requires greater attention due to the changing landscape and challenges created by technology, social media and cyber related exposures among others. Trends in the retail industry are also compounding the potential for claims and litigation. Managing that risk requires a holistic view, careful analysis and a broker that understands current trends and challenges. Some of those challenges include:
As a boutique agency with a concentration on retailers and product based businesses, GB&A is well aligned to meet the executive, cyber and management liability needs of (larger) small retailers and mid sized retail businesses. Through an individualized approach and careful assessments we help retailers assess and manage their international exposure, brand & reputational risk, and executive & management liability. Some of the businesses we work with include:
The Risk Profile below is an outline of your company's core exposures. Click to learn more, and select your coverages of interest to begin building your insurance portfolio, or click "Connect With A Broker" to contact us.