With large scale data breaches occurring weekly, attracting significant media attention, companies today are well aware of cyber risk. However many SMBs (small and mid sized businesses) have been slow to react. Why? This is mainly the result of a false sense of security, failure of understanding exposures, and a misunderstanding of the cyber risk insurance itself. Due to the media attention surrounding large scale breaches (and lack thereof for smaller scale breaches), many companies operate under the false assumption that they are less at risk than fortune 500 companies, being a less attractive or insignificant target. This is in large part, false. “Black code” does not discriminate - cyber criminals are opportunistic, seeking financial gain wherever they can. In fact smaller companies are often softer targets due to their relaxed approach to information security and unestablished internal controls. One look at an online breach archive will indicate the true frequency of smaller scale breaches and present a considerably more accurate picture. Compiled statistics indicate:
Due to the failure of many risk professionals in properly educating companies on cyber risk, many SMB’s (small and mid sized businesses) often believe cyber insurance is only intended for retailers and financial institutions, to cover the risk of payment processing and the storage of personal information. This is also false. It is often more helpful to think of cyber liability policies as providing protection against computer/digital related risk in general. Strong cyber coverage (when properly structured) provide protection against a broad range of claims, including, but not limited to:
Cyber liability insurance policies are not standardized products (like personal auto insurance). These policies are manuscripted and individualized by the underwriter/carrier, requiring careful review, coordination, and negotiation. The custom nature of these policies offers both benefits and disadvantages. Policies may initially carve out critical coverages to limit their exposure, and this can be easily missed by inexperienced risk managers/brokers and make coverage comparisons extremely difficult (if at all possible) for the buyer. However, this also allows companies to negotiate and carve back critical coverages, tailoring policies to their exact needs and effectively allowing insureds’ (almost) manual control over the premium. This however is a delicate balancing act, accentuating the importance of partnering with a knowledgeable broker - obtaining a strong, well structured package will depend on their expertise. A corporate law firm may purchase a cyber policy for $20k per year, but one definition such as the requirement of affected data to be personal information vs corporate non public information, could render it useless it the event of a breach.
With much of the cyber risk landscape being uncharted waters, it is more important than ever to partner with a broker that understands your company’s exposures/needs. GB&A is particularly well aligned to meet those needs.
First Party coverage reimburses the company/entity for costs and financial damages incurred as a result of a covered breach. Those can include (but may not be limited to)
Third Party liability coverage provides coverage for damages caused to other 3rd parties (such as clients, suppliers, vendors, etc), as a result of transmitting or failing to protecting against an intrusion or breach.